In 1972, Texas State Representative Barbara Charline Jordan, became the first Black woman ever elected to Congress from a southern state.
The late Congresswoman was appointed by President Bill Clinton to chair a Commission on Immigration Reform. She chaired the Committee from 1993 almost until her Death in January 1996. The Commission's work was born by statute in 1990 and concluded by statute in 1997. Congresswoman Jordan, as Chair of that Commission on Immigration Reform, made many recomendations. Among them were the recomended the following:
Illegal aliens should not be eligible for any services or assistance except those made available on an emergency basis or for similar compelling reasons.
Unlawful immigration will not be curbed unless we have comprehensive strategies that will prevent the entry of those with no right to be here and remove those who somehow make it past our best efforts at border management...if illegal aliens require other aid, it should rightly be provided in their own countries.
For immigration to continue to serve our national interest, it must be lawful. There are people who argue that some illegal aliens contribute to our community because they may work, pay taxes, send their children to our schools, and in all respects except one, obey the law. Let me be clear: that is not enough.
...Deportation is crucial. Credibility in immigration policy can be summed up in one sentence: those who should get in, get in; those who should be kept out, are kept out; and those who should not be here will be required to leave. The top priorities for detention and removal, of course, are criminal aliens. But for the system to be credible, people actually have to be deported at the end of the process.
Congresswoman Jordan was heraleded as a pariot and maintained that distinction until this day. Her work on the Commission is considered exemplary by Democrats, especially her former colleagues in the Congress who are Black, without exception. Read More

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